He seems to have the uncanny ability to be in more than one place at a time. Constantly a person of interest regarding mysterious events and happenings. A caution for an afternoon tea?


An Angel of light or an entity of the dark arts? His work is yet to be complete on this physical plane. He dabbles in the supernatural as his minions will testify. Through dreamscapes and reality, both tend to blur the lines of reality. Tread lightly, for one cannot be sure which version will reveal itself in present company. Approach with extreme caution.

Originally from upper society but now has fallen from it's grace. Doomed to walk in the shadowy underworld. Careful not to fall from the light into his house of pain.
Drums- PHD, L.B.S., L.S.D.,F.D.S.
A heavy handed gent known to hang around back alleys of
NEW KENT. A doctor of Drumology rumored to have performed illegal amputations and transplants and an occasional bris. His brilliant cure for weight loss will cost you an arm and a leg..."Spare a kidney? Will work for drumsticks"

Origin: Portland, Or
Genres: Rock, Metal
Years Active: 2012- Present
Label: TwentyOneGrams Records
Website: WOSRocks.com
Short Bio
WELLof SOULS.................
.content coming....




Coming Soon!

Set List
Tech Rider
Hospitality Rider

Label: Twenty One Grams Records || info@mysite.com
Management: Jeff Stoller Drum Monster Music LLC | info@mysite.com
Booking: Chaz @ Firestone Productions| info@mysite.com
Book keeper: Bill Olmo
PR: Jillian @ Firestone Productions | info@mysite.com